
Team Conferencing

Team Conferencing (TC)

The nature of intervention sometimes indicates a lack of synergy amongst the professionals, for example, teachers, guidance counsellors, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, medical doctors, parents, or other care providers. TC is a gathering of a client’s family, friends, faith community, and professionals who join together to develop individualized plans to strengthen the client’s capacity, to assure safety, stability, and permanency, and to build natural support that will sustain the client over time. TC has often been the forum in which the client’s team comes together to help them craft, implement, or change the individualized plan, in addition to celebrating changes along the way.

The core focus is developing a system of care at all levels and bringing the client through levels of functioning to not only overcome challenges but also develop a strength base. TCHD seeks to become the pioneer of this modality for clients, where we provide coordination, direction, as well as the necessary clinical services, for the particular client. We also ensure that the requisite monitoring mechanisms are put in place for any needed long-term support. The client is of paramount importance within the intervention and all energies are thus directed towards him/her.

Call 1 (868) 374 9814 / 1 (868) 374 9996 to schedule an appointment OR Book an Appointment Online