
Individual Therapy

Individual Therapy

“ Time to regain control of your life ”

Individual therapy is a collaborative process between a therapist and the client in therapy. Most times, the common goals of therapy can be to inspire change or improve your quality of life. Most times, when issues are hard to face alone, and you may feel lost, seeking therapy, might be a way for you to regain control.

Therapy is designed to help you overcome obstacles to your peace and well-being. It can increase positive feelings, such as compassion and self-esteem. In therapy, you can learn skills for handling difficult situations, making healthy decisions, and reaching goals. There is nothing more beautiful than finding joy in the therapeutic journey of becoming more self-aware and experiencing self-growth. The common names of individual therapy are also called: therapy, talk therapy, psychosocial therapy, psychotherapy, and or counselling. Individual therapy allows the therapist and client to focus on each other, building a rapport, and working together to solve the client’s issue.

What to Expect from an Individual Therapy Session

Individual therapy is useful for many types of situations that cause stress, anger, grief, or conflict. In a comfortable, private setting, an individual and a therapist will explore many different important issues, including (but not limited to):

Not everyone will experience therapy in the same way. Some therapy may be short-term (focusing on immediate issues) or long-term (delving into more complex problems). The amount and frequency of sessions depend on the individual’s situation and the recommendations of the therapist. Additionally, the exact way in which therapy is implemented tends to vary depending on the issues in question, the practices of the therapist, and the needs of the individual.

When stress becomes overwhelming for any one person (school, relationship, job/career, family life, etc.), we are the option to help restore clarity of mind, and purpose using: Solution Focus, Person-Centred Treatment.

Call 1 (868) 374 9814 / 1 (868) 374 9996 to schedule an appointment OR Book an Appointment Online