
Archives: Services

Clinical Consultation

Clinical Consultation allows for organisational/individual clinician discussions around casework, which are often complex, but which can serve to highlight a myriad of layers involved in an intervention. In such instances, a systemic methodology will complement case management aimed at supporting practice outcomes, which see the client working towards addressing the…

Team Conferencing

The nature of intervention sometimes indicates a lack of synergy amongst the professionals, for example, teachers, guidance counsellors, social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, medical doctors, parents, or other care providers.

Individual Coaching

Coaching, a highly effective communication and talent development tool, which is widely used to create situational awareness, accelerate individual/team ability and strategic growth. Coaching encourages individuals to become aware of their strengths, areas of development, blind spots, and hidden strengths.

Clinical Training

TCHD through its training company TCHD Postgraduate Training Institute is committed to providing quality, relevant, client centred training and development in two major areas – Clinical Training and Development and Organizational Training and Development.

Organizational Training

TCHD through its training company TCHD Postgraduate Training Institute is committed to providing quality, relevant, client centred training and development in two major areas – Clinical Training and Development and Organizational Training and Development.

Community Development

This intervention is a yearlong three-phased approach to engaging the critical needs of the community through the development of therapeutic relationships with families within the community.


TCHD desires to provide a comprehensive, off-site EAP for all employees, and their dependents. The family is broadly defined by TCHD including domestic and life partners, relatives, and others. The TCHD EAP policies regarding family members are inclusive rather than exclusive.